JeVois Tutorials  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Tutorials
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Parsing serial messages from JeVois using Python

Many machine vision modules running on JeVois send messages over serial port (either the hardware 4-pin connector, or the serial-over-USB port) to indicate what they have found (e.g., detected ArUco marker IDs, decoded QR-Code contents, identified TensorFlow objects).


In this tutorial, we will write a simple Python program to read and parse the messages sent by JeVois over serial.

Getting started

  • Connect JeVois to a host computer.
  • Start video capture software and select YUYV 640x500 @ 20.0 fps which should launch the DemoArUco machine vision module
  • Connect to JeVois using a serial terminal, and issue:
    setpar serout USB
    setpar serstyle Normal
    to instruct JeVois to send any detections to the serial-over-USB port, and to use the Normal standardized message format.
  • See Standardized serial messages formatting for more information about standardized message formats. Since DemoArUco sends 2D messages and we selected the Normal format, we expect messages formatted as:
    N2 id x y w h
  • Point JeVois towards some ArUco marker and confirm that you see these messages in your serial console. Use the screenshots from the documentation page of DemoArUco for example. You should see someghing like this:
    N2 U18 -322 -369 444 419
    N2 U5 352 259 434 450
    N2 U43 -358 228 459 456
    N2 U12 367 -323 416 428
    N2 U18 -317 -363 441 425
    N2 U5 380 288 428 463
    N2 U43 -333 256 453 463
    N2 U12 391 -303 413 425
    N2 U18 -294 -342 438 428

The Python program

  • Now, quit your serial terminal so that it will not interfere with out Python program.
  • Make sure you have pyserial installed, it is a python module which we will use for serial communication with JeVois. For example, on Ubuntu: sudo apt install python-serial
  • Check out the docs of PySerial here:
  • Using your favorite editor, create with these contents:
3# Needed packages: sudo apt install python-serial
5# This tutorial is a simple program that allows one to read and parse serial messages from JeVois
7serdev = '/dev/ttyACM0' # serial device of JeVois
9import serial
10import time
12with serial.Serial(serdev, 115200, timeout=1) as ser:
13 while 1:
14 # Read a whole line and strip any trailing line ending character:
15 line = ser.readline().rstrip()
16 print "received: {}".format(line)
18 # Split the line into tokens:
19 tok = line.split()
21 # Skip if timeout or malformed line:
22 if len(tok) < 1: continue
24 # Skip if not a standardized "Normal 2D" message:
25 # See
26 if tok[0] != 'N2': continue
28 # From now on, we hence expect: N2 id x y w h
29 if len(tok) != 6: continue
31 # Assign some named Python variables to the tokens:
32 key, id, x, y, w, h = tok
34 print "Found ArUco {} at ({},{}) size {}x{}".format(id, x, y, w, h)
  • remember to edit the value of serdev in the Python code to be the name of the serial port for your JeVois camera: same name as you use with your serial terminal program; typically:
    • On Linux: /dev/ttyACM0
    • On Mac: /dev/tty.usbmodem*
    • On WIndows: COM3:
  • Point JeVois towards some ArUco marker and confirm that you see these messages in the terminal in which you launched the program:
    received: N2 U48 -203 220 356 353
    Found ArUco U48 at (-203,220) size 356x353
    received: N2 U48 -209 233 356 359
    Found ArUco U48 at (-209,233) size 356x359
    received: N2 U48 -52 253 366 369
    Found ArUco U48 at (-52,253) size 366x369
    received: N2 U48 11 269 359 369
    Found ArUco U48 at (11,269) size 359x369
    received: N2 U48 84 253 363 363
    Found ArUco U48 at (84,253) size 363x363

Note how the empty "received:" statements are because we have a chosen timeout of 1 second when opening the serial port, and JeVois was not looking at any ArUco for the first 5 seconds of this example.


If you see nothing, review this:

  • permissions ok on the serial port? correct serial device/name? No other program using the serial port (e.g., a serial terminal)?
  • do you have a module running and is it streaming? If you are seeing live video in a video capture software then you are ok. If you started your module with no USB video out using setmapping2, did you also send a streamon?
  • Was setpar serout USB issued (if listening to the serial-over-USB), or setpar serout Hard (if listening to the 4-pin port)?