"Sorry this module needs to be updated to work again...");
211 //starburst pupil contour detection
212 starburst_pupil_contour_detection((UINT8*)eye_image->imageData, eye_image->width, eye_image->height,
213 eyetracker::edgethresh::get(), eyetracker::numrays::get(),
214 eyetracker::mincand::get(), start_point, edge_point);
217 CvPoint pupil = { 0, 0 }; // coordinates of pupil in tracker coordinate system
219 inliers_index = pupil_fitting_inliers((UINT8*)eye_image->imageData, eye_image->width, eye_image->height,
220 inliers_num, pupil_param, edge_point);
222 ellipse_axis.width = (int)pupil_param[0];
223 ellipse_axis.height = (int)pupil_param[1];
224 pupil.x = (int)pupil_param[2];
225 pupil.y = (int)pupil_param[3];
227 // JEVOIS only draw line if valid
228 if (debugdraw && corneal_reflection.x > 3 && corneal_reflection.y > 3 && pupil.x > 3 && pupil.y > 3)
229 cvLine(eye_image, pupil, corneal_reflection, 100, 4, 8);
231 //printf("ellipse a:%lf; b:%lf, cx:%lf, cy:%lf, theta:%lf; inliers_num:%d\n\n",
232 // pupil_param[0], pupil_param[1], pupil_param[2], pupil_param[3], pupil_param[4], inliers_num);
233 for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) pupell[k] = pupil_param[k]; // send data to caller
238 for (int i = 0; i < int(edge_point.size()); i++)
241 for (int j = 0; j < inliers_num; j++) if (i == inliers_index[j]) is_inliers = 1;
242 stuDPoint const & edge = edge_point.at(i);
243 if (is_inliers) Draw_Cross(eye_image, (int)edge.x,(int)edge.y, 5, 5, 200);
244 else Draw_Cross(eye_image, (int)edge.x, (int)edge.y, 3, 3, 100);
249 if (ellipse_axis.width > 0 && ellipse_axis.height > 0)
251 start_point.x = pupil.x;
252 start_point.y = pupil.y;
253 //printf("start_point: %d,%d\n", start_point.x, start_point.y);
254 Draw_Cross(eye_image, pupil.x, pupil.y, 10, 10, 255);
255 cvEllipse(eye_image, pupil, ellipse_axis, -pupil_param[4]*180/M_PI, 0, 360, 255, 2);
261 if (lost_frame_num > 5) {
262 start_point.x = eyeimg.cols / 2;
263 start_point.y = eyeimg.rows / 2;
266 Draw_Cross(eye_image, (int)start_point.x, (int)start_point.y, 7, 7, 128);
269 cvReleaseImageHeader(&eye_image);
270 cvReleaseImage(&threshold_image);