JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#include <jevois/Core/Module.H>
22#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> // for cv::VideoCapture
23#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> // for cv::rectangle()
24#include <linux/videodev2.h> // for v4l2 pixel types
25#include <fstream>
28static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("Surprise Recording Options");
30#define PATHPREFIX "/jevois/data/surpriserecorder/"
32//! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
33JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(filename, std::string, "Name of the video file to write. If path is not absolute, "
34 PATHPREFIX " will be prepended to it. Name should contain a printf-like directive for "
35 "one int argument, which will start at 0 and be incremented on each streamoff command.",
36 "video%06d.avi", ParamCateg);
38//! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
39JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fourcc, std::string, "FourCC of the codec to use. The OpenCV VideoWriter doc is unclear "
40 "as to which codecs are supported. Presumably, the ffmpeg library is used inside OpenCV. "
41 "Hence any video encoder supported by ffmpeg should work. Tested codecs include: MJPG, "
42 "MP4V, AVC1. Make sure you also pick the right filename extension (e.g., .avi for MJPG, "
43 ".mp4 for MP4V, etc)",
44 "MJPG", boost::regex("^\\w{4}$"), ParamCateg);
46//! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
47JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fps, double, "Video frames/sec as stored in the file and to be used both for recording and "
48 "playback. Beware that the video writer will drop frames if you are capturing faster than "
49 "the frame rate specified here. For example, if capturing at 120fps, be sure to set this "
50 "parameter to 120, otherwise by default the saved video will be at 30fps even though capture "
51 "was running at 120fps.",
52 15.0, ParamCateg);
54//! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
55JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh, double, "Surprise threshold. Lower values will record more events.",
56 1.0e7, ParamCateg);
58//! Parameter \relates SurpriseRecorder
59JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ctxframes, unsigned int, "Number of context video frames recorded before and after "
60 "each surprising event.",
61 150, ParamCateg);
64//! Surprise-based recording of events
65/*! This module detects surprising events in the live video feed from the camera, and records short video clips of each
66 detected event.
68 Surprising is here defined according to Itti and Baldi's mathematical theory of surprise (see, e.g.,
69 which is applied to monitoring live video streams. When a surprising event is
70 detected, a short video clip of that event is saved to the microSD card inside JeVois, for later review.
72 It was created in this JeVois tutorial:
74 Using this module
75 -----------------
77 This module does not send any video output to USB. Rather, it just saves surprising events to microSD for later
78 review. Hence, you may want to try the following:
80 - mount the JeVois camera where you want it to detect surprising events
82 - run it connected to a laptop computer, using any mode which does have some video output over USB (e.g., 640x500
83 YUYV). Adjust the camera orientation to best fit your needs.
85 - edit <b>JEVOIS:/config/initscript.cfg</b> to contain:
86 \verbatim
87 setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
88 setpar thresh 1e7
89 setpar channels S
90 streamon
91 \endverbatim
92 and see the above tutorial for more details. Next time you power JeVois, it will immediately start detecting and
93 recording surprising events in its view.
95 Example
96 -------
98 Here is one hour of video surveillance footage. It is very boring overall. Except that a few brief surprising things
99 occur (a few seconds each). Can you find them?
101 \youtube{aSKncW7Jxrs}
103 Here is what the \jvmod{SurpriseRecorder} module found (4 true events plus 2 false alarms):
105 \youtube{zIslIsHBfYw}
107 With only 6 surprising events, and assuming +/- 10 seconds of context frames around each event, we have achieved a
108 compression of the surveillance footage from 60 minutes to 2 minutes (a factor 30x).
111 @author Laurent Itti
113 @videomapping NONE 0 0 0 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois SurpriseRecorder
114 @email itti\
115 @address University of Southern California, HNB-07A, 3641 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520, USA
116 @copyright Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, iLab and the University of Southern California
117 @mainurl
118 @supporturl
119 @otherurl
120 @license GPL v3
121 @distribution Unrestricted
122 @restrictions None
123 \ingroup modules */
125 public jevois::Parameter<filename, fourcc, fps, thresh, ctxframes>
128 public:
129 // ####################################################################################################
130 //! Constructor
131 // ####################################################################################################
132 SurpriseRecorder(std::string const & instance) : jevois::Module(instance), itsBuf(1000), itsToSave(0),
133 itsFileNum(0), itsRunning(false)
134 { itsSurprise = addSubComponent<Surprise>("surprise"); }
136 // ####################################################################################################
137 //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
138 // ####################################################################################################
140 { }
142 // ####################################################################################################
143 //! Get started
144 // ####################################################################################################
145 void postInit() override
146 {
149 // Get our run() thread going, it is in charge of compressing and saving frames:
150 itsRunFut = jevois::async(std::bind(&SurpriseRecorder::run, this));
151 }
153 // ####################################################################################################
154 //! Get stopped
155 // ####################################################################################################
156 void postUninit() override
157 {
158 // Signal end of run:
161 // Push an empty frame into our buffer to signal the end of video to our thread:
162 itsBuf.push(cv::Mat());
164 // Wait for the thread to complete:
165 LINFO("Waiting for writer thread to complete, " << itsBuf.filled_size() << " frames to go...");
166 try { itsRunFut.get(); } catch (...) { jevois::warnAndIgnoreException(); }
167 LINFO("Writer thread completed. Syncing disk...");
168 if (std::system("/bin/sync")) LERROR("Error syncing disk -- IGNORED");
169 LINFO("Video " << itsFilename << " saved.");
170 }
172 // ####################################################################################################
173 //! Processing function, version with no video output
174 // ####################################################################################################
175 void process(jevois::InputFrame && inframe) override
176 {
177 static jevois::Profiler prof("surpriserecorder");
179 // Wait for next available camera image:
180 jevois::RawImage inimg = inframe.get(); unsigned int const w = inimg.width, h = inimg.height;
181 inimg.require("input", w, h, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV); // accept any image size but require YUYV pixels
183 prof.start();
185 // Compute surprise in a thread:
186 std::future<double> itsSurpFut =
187 jevois::async([&]() { return itsSurprise->process(inimg); } );
189 prof.checkpoint("surprise launched");
191 // Convert the image to OpenCV BGR and push into our context buffer:
192 cv::Mat cvimg = jevois::rawimage::convertToCvBGR(inimg);
193 itsCtxBuf.push_back(cvimg);
194 if (itsCtxBuf.size() > ctxframes::get()) itsCtxBuf.pop_front();
196 prof.checkpoint("image pushed");
198 // Wait until our surprise thread is done:
199 double surprise = itsSurpFut.get(); // this could throw and that is ok
200 //LINFO("surprise = " << surprise << " itsToSave = " << itsToSave);
202 prof.checkpoint("surprise done");
204 // Let camera know we are done processing the raw input image:
205 inframe.done();
207 // If the current frame is surprising, check whether we are already saving. If so, just push the current frame for
208 // saving and reset itsToSave to full context length (after the event). Otherwise, keep saving until the context
209 // after the event is exhausted:
210 if (surprise >= thresh::get())
211 {
212 // Draw a rectangle on surprising frames. Note that we draw it in cvimg but, since the pixel memory is shared
213 // with the copy of it we just pushed into itsCtxBuf, the rectangle will get drawn in there too:
214 cv::rectangle(cvimg, cv::Point(3, 3), cv::Point(w-4, h-4), cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 7);
216 if (itsToSave)
217 {
218 // we are still saving the context after the previous event, just add our new one:
219 itsBuf.push(cvimg);
221 // Reset the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
222 itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
223 }
224 else
225 {
226 // Start of a new event. Dump the whole itsCtxBuf to the writer:
227 for (cv::Mat const & im : itsCtxBuf) itsBuf.push(im);
229 // Initialize the number of frames we will save after the end of the event:
230 itsToSave = ctxframes::get();
231 }
232 }
233 else if (itsToSave)
234 {
235 // No more surprising event, but we are still saving the context after the last one:
236 itsBuf.push(cvimg);
238 // One more context frame after the last event was saved:
239 --itsToSave;
241 // Last context frame after the event was just pushed? If so, push an empty frame as well to close the current
242 // video file. We will open a new file on the next surprising event:
243 if (itsToSave == 0) itsBuf.push(cv::Mat());
244 }
246 prof.stop();
247 }
249 // ####################################################################################################
250 protected:
251 std::shared_ptr<Surprise> itsSurprise;
253 // ####################################################################################################
254 //! Video writer thread
255 // ####################################################################################################
256 void run() // Runs in a thread
257 {
258 while (itsRunning.load())
259 {
260 // Create a VideoWriter here, since it has no close() function, this will ensure it gets destroyed and closes
261 // the movie once we stop the recording:
262 cv::VideoWriter writer;
263 int frame = 0;
265 while (true)
266 {
267 // Get next frame from the buffer:
268 cv::Mat im = itsBuf.pop();
270 // An empty image will be pushed when we are ready to close the video file:
271 if (im.empty()) break;
273 // Start the encoder if it is not yet running:
274 if (writer.isOpened() == false)
275 {
276 // Parse the fourcc, regex in our param definition enforces 4 alphanumeric chars:
277 std::string const fcc = fourcc::get();
278 int const cvfcc = cv::VideoWriter::fourcc(fcc[0], fcc[1], fcc[2], fcc[3]);
280 // Add path prefix if given filename is relative:
281 std::string fn = filename::get();
282 if (fn.empty()) LFATAL("Cannot save to an empty filename");
283 if (fn[0] != '/') fn = PATHPREFIX + fn;
285 // Create directory just in case it does not exist:
286 std::string const cmd = "/bin/mkdir -p " + fn.substr(0, fn.rfind('/'));
287 if (std::system(cmd.c_str())) LERROR("Error running [" << cmd << "] -- IGNORED");
289 // Fill in the file number; be nice and do not overwrite existing files:
290 while (true)
291 {
292 char tmp[2048];
293 std::snprintf(tmp, 2047, fn.c_str(), itsFileNum);
294 std::ifstream ifs(tmp);
295 if (ifs.is_open() == false) { itsFilename = tmp; break; }
296 ++itsFileNum;
297 }
299 // Open the writer:
300 if (, cvfcc, fps::get(), im.size(), true) == false)
301 LFATAL("Failed to open video encoder for file [" << itsFilename << ']');
303 sendSerial("SAVETO " + itsFilename);
304 }
306 // Write the frame:
307 writer << im;
309 // Report what is going on once in a while:
310 if ((++frame % 100) == 0) sendSerial("SAVEDNUM " + std::to_string(frame));
311 }
313 sendSerial("SAVEDONE " + itsFilename);
315 // Our writer runs out of scope and closes the file here.
316 ++itsFileNum;
317 }
318 }
320 std::future<void> itsRunFut; //!< Future for our run() thread
321 std::deque<cv::Mat> itsCtxBuf; //!< Buffer for context frames before event start
323 jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block> itsBuf; //!< Buffer for frames to save
324 int itsToSave; //!< Number of context frames after end of event that remain to be saved
325 int itsFileNum; //!< Video file number
326 std::atomic<bool> itsRunning; //!< Flag to let run thread when to quit
327 std::string itsFilename; //!< Current video file name
330// Allow the module to be loaded as a shared object (.so) file:
int h
Surprise-based recording of events.
std::deque< cv::Mat > itsCtxBuf
Buffer for context frames before event start.
virtual ~SurpriseRecorder()
Virtual destructor for safe inheritance.
std::shared_ptr< Surprise > itsSurprise
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(filename, std::string, "Name of the video file to write. If path is not absolute, " PATHPREFIX " will be prepended to it. Name should contain a printf-like directive for " "one int argument, which will start at 0 and be incremented on each streamoff command.", "video%06d.avi", ParamCateg)
std::future< void > itsRunFut
Future for our run() thread.
int itsFileNum
Video file number.
void postInit() override
Get started.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fourcc, std::string, "FourCC of the codec to use. The OpenCV VideoWriter doc is unclear " "as to which codecs are supported. Presumably, the ffmpeg library is used inside OpenCV. " "Hence any video encoder supported by ffmpeg should work. Tested codecs include: MJPG, " "MP4V, AVC1. Make sure you also pick the right filename extension (e.g., .avi for MJPG, " ".mp4 for MP4V, etc)", "MJPG", boost::regex("^\\w{4}$"), ParamCateg)
void process(jevois::InputFrame &&inframe) override
Processing function, version with no video output.
void run()
Video writer thread.
SurpriseRecorder(std::string const &instance)
std::atomic< bool > itsRunning
Flag to let run thread when to quit.
std::string itsFilename
Current video file name.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ctxframes, unsigned int, "Number of context video frames recorded before and after " "each surprising event.", 150, ParamCateg)
jevois::BoundedBuffer< cv::Mat, jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block, jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block > itsBuf
Buffer for frames to save.
void postUninit() override
Get stopped.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(thresh, double, "Surprise threshold. Lower values will record more events.", 1.0e7, ParamCateg)
int itsToSave
Number of context frames after end of event that remain to be saved.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(fps, double, "Video frames/sec as stored in the file and to be used both for recording and " "playback. Beware that the video writer will drop frames if you are capturing faster than " "the frame rate specified here. For example, if capturing at 120fps, be sure to set this " "parameter to 120, otherwise by default the saved video will be at 30fps even though capture " "was running at 120fps.", 15.0, ParamCateg)
size_t filled_size() const
void push(T const &val)
friend friend class Module
virtual void sendSerial(std::string const &str)
void checkpoint(char const *description)
unsigned int width
unsigned int height
void require(char const *info, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int f) const
#define LFATAL(msg)
std::string warnAndIgnoreException(std::string const &prefix="")
#define LERROR(msg)
#define LINFO(msg)
cv::Mat convertToCvBGR(RawImage const &src)
std::future< std::invoke_result_t< std::decay_t< Function >, std::decay_t< Args >... > > async(Function &&f, Args &&... args)