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Are there examples to use the camera in arduino applications?

0 votes
Hello, I would like to know where I can find examples of programming in Arduino, to be able to implement the camera in electronic projects, example, in order to make a robot that follows a route by reading Aruco Markers.

Thank you.

asked Apr 10, 2018 in Hardware Questions by cbodington (710 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, please start here:


then for a specific ArUco following robot see:


There is also a pan/tilt head tutorial:


Now that we have wider-angle 90 degree lenses available at jevoisinc.com, you might be able to get good tracking without needing a pan/tilt head on your robot, if the ArUco markers you will follow are quite big and/or you run at a higher resolution like 640x480.
answered Apr 10, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)