JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2016 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#pragma once
21#include <stdarg.h> // needed by tiny_dnn
23// Defines used to optimize tiny-dnn:
24#define CNN_USE_TBB
26//#define CNN_USE_NNPACK // This still yieds compilation errors inside tiny-dnn and is not ready yet upstream
28#include <tiny-dnn/tiny_dnn/config.h> // for float_t, etc. this does not include much code
29#include <tiny-dnn/tiny_dnn/util/aligned_allocator.h> // for aligned_allocator
30#include <tiny-dnn/tiny_dnn/util/util.h> // for index3d
31#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
33namespace tiny_dnn { template <typename NetType> class network; }
35//! Abstract base class for an object recognition component
36/*! This base class provides a framework to recognize objects using deep neural networks. The network is implemented
37 using the tiny-dnn library, see
39 Derived classes implement a particular network by overriding the define() method of the base class. They also must
40 implement the other abstract methods provided here.
42 To create a new object recognition component, one would usually derive from the ObjectRecognition class template as
43 opposed to deriving directly from ObjectRecognitionBase.
45 Training
46 --------
48 Training is automatically launched if a pre-trained weight file is not found. Thus, typical workflow is, assuming
49 \jvversion{1.4} or later:
51 - create a new derived class and implement define(), train(), prcess(), etc in there. See ObjectRecognitionMNIST for
52 example.
54 - create a directory <b>/jevois/share/tiny-dnn/NAME/</b> where \a NAME is the instance name you give to your derived
55 object.
57 - copy the training data to that directory (as required by your implementation of train() in your derived class)
59 - run `jevois-daemon` on host, make sure it has write permission to the directory you created. It will fail to load
60 the pre-trained weights and will initiate training.
62 - when training is complete, trained weights will be saved as <b>/jevois/share/tiny-dnn/NAME/weights.tnn</b> (for
63 \jvversion{1.4} or earlier) or as <b>/jevois/share/tiny-dnn/NAME/</b> (for \jvversion{1.5} or
64 later).
66 Starting with \jvversion{1.5}, tiny-dnn has been updated to a recent version which uses \b cereal as a back-end to
67 save networks and weights. This yields efficient loading of pre-trained networks but the binary archive format is
68 not portable between Intel x64 hosts and ARM platform. Hence, you should proceed as follows:
70 - run the above steps. Two files will be saved: \b (binary) and \b weights.tnn.json (portable text
71 file).
73 - copy \b weights.tnn.json to microSD in <b>JEVOIS:/share//tiny-dnn/NAME/</b> where \a NAME is the instance name you
74 give to your derived object.
76 - insert microSD into JeVois camera and launch the machine vision mode that uses your network.
78 - ObjectRecognition::load() will fail to load the missing \b weights.tnn.platform (binary) and will thus revert to
79 loading \b weights.tnn.json instead. It will then save \b weights.tnn.platform to microSD. Because this was done
80 by the JeVois camera, \b weights.tnn.platform will now be in ARM binary format.
82 - You can now copy \b weights.tnn.platform out of your microSD to <b>~/jevoisbase/share/tiny-dnn/NAME/</b> so that
83 it will be flashed to microSD next time you make one using `jevois-flash-card` and you will avoid having to
84 convert again next time JeVois starts.
86 \ingroup components */
89 public:
90 //! Type used by tiny-dnn for the results:
91 typedef std::vector<tiny_dnn::float_t, tiny_dnn::aligned_allocator<tiny_dnn::float_t, 64> > vec_t;
93 //! Constructor
94 ObjectRecognitionBase(std::string const & instance);
96 //! Virtual destructor for safe inheritance
97 virtual ~ObjectRecognitionBase();
99 //! Define the network structure
100 /*! Derived classes must implement this function and load a network structure. */
101 virtual void define() = 0;
103 //! Get the input size for the current network, useful to prepare inputs to process()
104 virtual tiny_dnn::index3d<size_t> insize() const = 0;
106 //! Train the network
107 /*! Derived classes must implement this function. */
108 virtual void train(std::string const & path) = 0;
110 //! Process an image, results are confidence for each category
111 virtual vec_t process(cv::Mat const & img, bool normalize = true) = 0;
113 //! Return the name of a given category (0-based index in the vector of results)
114 virtual std::string const & category(size_t idx) const = 0;
117//! Wrapper around a neural network implemented by with the tiny-dnn framework by Taiga Nomi
118/*! Because tiny-dnn is an all-include package, we use the pimpl idiom here to avoid including all the tiny-dnn
119 sources in the header file, and instead only include and compile them once in our ObjectRecognition.C file.
121 \ingroup components */
122template <typename NetType>
125 public:
126 //! Constructor allocates the (empty) network
127 ObjectRecognition(std::string const & instance);
129 //! Destructor
130 virtual ~ObjectRecognition();
132 //! Get the input size for the current network, useful to prepare inputs to process()
133 virtual tiny_dnn::index3d<size_t> insize() const override;
135 //! Process an image, results are confidence for each category
136 vec_t process(cv::Mat const & img, bool normalize = true) override;
138 protected:
139 //! Initialize the network, required before one starts using it
140 /*! First, we will call define(). Then, we will look in path for weights.tnn, and if not found, we will call
141 train() to train the network using data in that path, and then we will save weights.tnn. Derived classes may
142 implement a constructor that takes path and then calls init(path) after the base class has been constructed
143 (e.g., in the body of the derived class constructor). */
144 virtual void postInit() override;
146 tiny_dnn::network<NetType> * net; // pointer here to avoid #include'ing tiny_dnn.h
Abstract base class for an object recognition component.
virtual std::string const & category(size_t idx) const =0
Return the name of a given category (0-based index in the vector of results)
virtual ~ObjectRecognitionBase()
Virtual destructor for safe inheritance.
std::vector< tiny_dnn::float_t, tiny_dnn::aligned_allocator< tiny_dnn::float_t, 64 > > vec_t
Type used by tiny-dnn for the results:
virtual tiny_dnn::index3d< size_t > insize() const =0
Get the input size for the current network, useful to prepare inputs to process()
virtual vec_t process(cv::Mat const &img, bool normalize=true)=0
Process an image, results are confidence for each category.
virtual void define()=0
Define the network structure.
virtual void train(std::string const &path)=0
Train the network.
Wrapper around a neural network implemented by with the tiny-dnn framework by Taiga Nomi.
virtual tiny_dnn::index3d< size_t > insize() const override
Get the input size for the current network, useful to prepare inputs to process()
vec_t process(cv::Mat const &img, bool normalize=true) override
Process an image, results are confidence for each category.
tiny_dnn::network< NetType > * net
virtual ~ObjectRecognition()
virtual void postInit() override
Initialize the network, required before one starts using it.