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Interface to Arduino

0 votes
Looks like a cool product, and beyond that: a cool name!

I am a total beginner in vision.

I am starting a hobby project: autonomous tiny cars that are controlled by arduino wireless.

Can I use this cute camera to recognize the cars, identify the coordinates and direction of each car, and send commands to the car?

Any idea how to send the command? I saw no wireless capabilities within JeVois.

Thank you

asked Aug 23, 2018 in User questions by YigalB (250 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes, you could do that, there are various approaches you can use with JeVois, with different levels of complexity:

- easiest: use http://jevois.org/moddoc/DemoArUco/modinfo.html and paste some ArUco tags on your cars. This will give you full 6D pose (location in 3D + orientation in 3D), but you need markers on the cars.

- something similar to http://jevois.org/moddoc/FirstPython/modinfo.html to detect color blobs and analyze their shape and extract their 6D pose

- something similar to http://jevois.org/moddoc/PythonObject6D/modinfo.html to detect objects using keypoint matching and extract their 6D pose

- the most powerful is likely http://jevois.org/moddoc/PyDetectionDNN/modinfo.html using a YOLOv3 deep network that you retrain for your specific cars, then you will also need to add the 6D pose extraction code (take it from PythonObject6D)

As far as wireless, you can either connect JeVois to a serial-to-bluetooth dongle, to an ESP8266 module with wifi,  an OpenWRT box with wifi (see http://jevois.org/doc/UserConnect.html), or, likely the easiest is a Raspberry Pi zero W (connect jevois to the pi using USB, then write some python code similar to http://jevois.org/tutorials/UserParseSerial.html to grab the messages from JeVois, and send control commands over wifi to your cars).
answered Aug 24, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Sep 3, 2018 by YigalB