JeVois  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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1// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2021 by Laurent Itti, the University of Southern
4// California (USC), and iLab at USC. See and for information about this project.
6// This file is part of the JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit. This program is free software; you can
7// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8// Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
10// License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
11// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
13// Contact information: Laurent Itti - 3641 Watt Way, HNB-07A - Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 - USA.
14// Tel: +1 213 740 3527 - - -
15// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16/*! \file */
18#pragma once
21#include <jevois/Types/Enum.H>
23#include <ovxlib/vsi_nn_pub.h> // for data types and quantization types
25#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
26#include <vector>
28namespace jevois
30 namespace dnn
31 {
32 namespace network
33 {
34 // We define all parameters for all derived classes here to avoid duplicate definitions. Different derived classes
35 // will use different subsets of all available parameters:
36 static jevois::ParameterCategory const ParamCateg("DNN Network Options");
38 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
39 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(comment, std::string, "Optional comment about the network",
40 "", ParamCateg);
42 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
43 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(url, std::string, "Optional URL for the network",
44 "", ParamCateg);
46 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
47 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(dataroot, std::string, "Root directory to use when config or model parameters "
48 "are relative paths.",
49 JEVOIS_SHARE_PATH, ParamCateg);
51 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
52 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(config, std::string, "Path to a text file that contains network configuration. "
53 "Can have extension .prototxt (Caffe), .pbtxt (TensorFlow), or .cfg (Darknet). "
54 "If path is relative, it will be prefixed by dataroot.",
55 "", ParamCateg);
57 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
58 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(model, std::string, "Path to a binary file of model contains trained weights. "
59 "Can have extension .caffemodel (Caffe), .pb (TensorFlow), .t7 or .net (Torch), "
60 ".tflite (TensorFlow Lite), or .weights (Darknet). If path is relative, it will be "
61 "prefixed by dataroot.",
62 "", ParamCateg);
63#ifdef JEVOIS_PRO
64 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::NetworkNPU
65 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(library, std::string, "Optional path to a compiled .so library that can load and "
66 "instantiate a NPU model. If a library is provided, then intensors and outtensors "
67 "can be left empty, otherwise they have to describe exactly the inputs and outputs "
68 "of the NPU model. This library is obtained along with the NPU .nb model when "
69 "converting for NPU using the KSNN convert tool. If path is relative, it will be "
70 "prefixed by dataroot.",
71 "", ParamCateg);
74#ifdef JEVOIS_PRO
75 //! Enum \relates jevois::dnn::Network
76 JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(Target, (CPU) (OpenCL) (OpenCL_FP16) (Myriad) (NPU) );
78 //! Enum \relates jevois::dnn::Network
82 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
83 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(target, Target, "OpenCV compute target to use. Changes will take effect "
84 "next time you load a different model.",
85 Target::CPU, Target_Values, ParamCateg);
86#ifdef JEVOIS_PRO
87 //! Enum \relates jevois::dnn::Network
88 JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(Backend, (OpenCV) (InferenceEngine) (TimVX) );
89#define JEVOIS_BACKEND_DEFAULT Backend::OpenCV
91 //! Enum \relates jevois::dnn::Network
92 JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(Backend, (Default) );
93#define JEVOIS_BACKEND_DEFAULT Backend::Default
96 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
97 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(backend, Backend, "OpenCV compute backend to use. Default will use the inference "
98 "engine if available, otherwise OpenCV (note that inference engine only works on Intel "
99 "processors or MyriadX hardware, thus you should normally select OpenCV when running "
100 "on JeVois-Pro Platform, unless you want to use an optional MyriadX accelerator). "
101 "Changes will take effect next time you load a model.",
102 JEVOIS_BACKEND_DEFAULT, Backend_Values, ParamCateg);
104 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
105 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(intensors, std::string, "Specification of input tensors",
106 "", ParamCateg);
108 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
109 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(extraintensors, std::string, "Specification of extra fixed input tensors that will be "
110 "added after the regular intensors. Format is: "
111 "<type>:<shape>:val1 val2 ... valN, <type>:<shape>:val1 ... valN. The values "
112 "are usually listed in the parameter when the tensor is small. Otherwise, they "
113 "should be listed as 'external' and set by calling jevois::Network::setExtraInput(). "
114 "For example, for URetinex-Net which takes a single float value as second input: "
115 "32F:1x1x1:3.0",
116 "", ParamCateg);
118 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
119 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(outtensors, std::string, "Specification of output tensors",
120 "", ParamCateg);
122 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
123 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(outtransform, std::string, "Specification of a sequence of operations "
124 "(reshape, transpose, split, merge, etc) to be applied to the output "
125 "tensors. Useful to match a particular network's outputs to the "
126 "tensor shapes expected by a particular post-processor. The sequence of "
127 "operations is separated by semicolons, and applied from left to right. "
128 "Operations specified here are applied after any de-quantization.",
129 "", ParamCateg);
131 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
132 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(dequant, bool, "Dequantize output tensors to float32 from their native quantized type",
133 true, ParamCateg);
135 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::NetworkPython
136 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(pynet, std::string, "Full path of the python network processor file. "
137 "Name of class defined in the file must match the file name without "
138 "the trailing '.py'",
139 "", ParamCateg);
140#ifdef JEVOIS_PRO
141 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
142 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(tpunum, size_t, "Coral EdgeTPU number to use to run this model, typically 0, or can be "
143 "1 when using a dual-TPU add-on board, or more when using additional TPUs connected "
144 "to USB ports",
145 0, ParamCateg);
147 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::Network
148 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(spunum, size_t, "Hailo8 device number to use to run this model, typically 0 unless "
149 "several Hailo8 accelerators are connected to the system",
150 0, ParamCateg);
152 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::NetworkNPU
153 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(verifygraph, bool, "Verify NPU graph after loading it",
154 true, ParamCateg);
156 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::NetworkNPU
157 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ovxver, std::string, "ovxlib version to use with NPU network, or leave blank "
158 "to use latest version",
159 "", boost::regex("^$|^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"), ParamCateg);
161 //! Parameter \relates jevois::dnn::NetworkHailo
162 JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(turbo, bool, "Turbo mode. Has no significant effect on small or "
163 "fast networks. Use with caution as it may lead to overheating, not "
164 "recommended for production",
165 false, ParamCateg);
167 }
169 //! Abstract class to represent a neural network
170 /*! Derived classes provide implementation via OpenCV (on CPU, OpenCL, or OpenVino/Myriad-X), ONNX-Runtime,
171 Amlogic/Vivante NPU, Hailo-8, Python, or Google Coral TPU.
173 The Network class can apply optional transforms to the output tensors:
175 - `dequant`: dequantize the output tensors
177 - `outtransform`: apply a semicolon-separated sequence (from left to right) of transforms to the
178 outputs. Outputs are numbered starting at 0. Available transforms are:
180 + `shape(outnum, AxBxC...)` to reshape an output to a given new shape. Does not change or move any tensor
181 data. Total number of data elements must remain the same. Useful to squeeze/unsqueeze tensors.
183 + `transpose(outnum, oldaxisA, oldaxisB, ...)` where transposed new axis 0 (the outermost dimension, typically
184 batch size) will be from oldaxisA, new axis 1 from oldaxisB, etc. If outnum is *, transpose all outputs.
186 + `order(oldidx0, oldidx1, ...)` where the new ordering of the output tensors will be: new tensor 0: old
187 tensor oldidx0 (which is zero-based); new tensor 1: old tensor oldidx1, etc. It is ok to have duplicated or
188 missing entries.
190 + `split(outnum, axis, newsize1, ..., newsizeN)` where axis 0 is the outtermost dimension (typically, batch
191 size), and newsize1 + ... + newsizeN must be equal to the original size of that axis. If outnum is *, split
192 all outputs.
194 + `merge(axis, outnum1, ..., outnumN)` where axis 0 is the outermost dimension (typically, batch size) and
195 outnum1, ..., outnumN are the outputs to merge along that axis. All the outputs to be merged must have
196 matching number of dimensions, and matching sizes on all other axes. The merged tensor will replace the
197 first output listed in the merge, and the other listed will be removed. Outputs to merge must be listed in
198 ascending order (use an order() transform first if needed)
200 See the model zoo files in /jevoispro/share/dnn/ for examples. For instance:
201 \code{.py}
202 outtransform: "split(*,1,80,64); order(1,0,3,2,5,4); transpose(*,0,2,3,1)"
203 \endcode
205 \ingroup dnn */
206 class Network : public Component,
207 public Parameter<network::comment, network::url, network::outtransform, network::extraintensors>
208 {
209 public:
210 //! Inherited constructor ok
213 //! Destructor
214 /*! CAUTION: derived classes must call waitBeforeDestroy() in their destructor */
215 virtual ~Network();
217 //! If network is currently loading, wait until that is done before destroying
218 /*! CAUTION: derived classes must call waitBeforeDestroy() in their destructor */
219 void waitBeforeDestroy();
221 //! Returns true when network is ready to run (loaded and initialized)
222 bool ready();
224 //! Get shapes of all input tensors
225 virtual std::vector<vsi_nn_tensor_attr_t> inputShapes() = 0;
227 //! Get shapes of all output tensors
228 virtual std::vector<vsi_nn_tensor_attr_t> outputShapes() = 0;
230 //! Process input blobs and obtain output blobs
231 /*! Network implementations may push information data into the info string, which will be displayed to
232 user. Convention is: if an info line starts with '* ', it is a header, and if it starts with '- ' it is a
233 bullet. Info should always be organized into headers at the top level. */
234 std::vector<cv::Mat> process(std::vector<cv::Mat> const & blobs, std::vector<std::string> & info);
236 //! Freeze/unfreeze parameters that users should not change while running
237 /*! Note: derived classes can freeze their own params by overriding this function, and should remember to still
238 call the base class jevois::dnn::Network::freeze(doit) */
239 virtual void freeze(bool doit);
241 //! Set an extra input tensor, or remove it if given Mat is empty
242 /*! The input will not be pre-processed. Its data type and size must match what the network expects. The number
243 passed here is the overall network's input number, including the regular inputs that start at 0. */
244 void setExtraInput(size_t num, cv::Mat const & in);
246 //! Set an extra input tensor from a given F32 tensor, or remove it if given Mat is empty
247 /*! The input will not be pre-processed. Its data type and size must match what the network expects. The number
248 passed here is the overall network's input number, including the regular inputs that start at 0. */
249 void setExtraInputFromFloat32(size_t num, cv::Mat const & in);
251 protected:
252 //! Load from disk
253 virtual void load() = 0;
255 //! Process input blobs and obtain output blobs
256 virtual std::vector<cv::Mat> doprocess(std::vector<cv::Mat> const & blobs,
257 std::vector<std::string> & info) = 0;
259 void onParamChange(network::outtransform const & param, std::string const & val) override;
261 private:
262 std::atomic<bool> itsLoading = false;
263 std::atomic<bool> itsLoaded = false;
264 std::future<void> itsLoadFut;
266 // Output transformations:
267 enum class Operator { Shape, Transpose, Order, Split, Merge };
268 struct Oper
269 {
270 Operator op;
271 std::vector<size_t> tnum; // output tensor numbers (indices within the output array)
272 std::vector<int> newvals; // New values (operator-dependent: could be new output orders, new tensor dims)
273 };
274 std::vector<Oper> itsOps;
276 std::map<size_t, cv::Mat> itsExtraInputs;
277 std::mutex itsExtraInputsMtx;
278 };
280 } // namespace dnn
281} // namespace jevois
Base path for shared files (e.g., neural network weights, etc)
Definition Config.H:82
Definition Network.H:89
A component of a model hierarchy.
Definition Component.H:182
friend class Component
Allow Component and DynamicParameter to access our registry data, everyone else is locked out.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(turbo, bool, "Turbo mode. Has no significant effect on small or " "fast networks. Use with caution as it may lead to overheating, not " "recommended for production", false, ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(verifygraph, bool, "Verify NPU graph after loading it", true, ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(ovxver, std::string, "ovxlib version to use with NPU network, or leave blank " "to use latest version", "", boost::regex("^$|^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"), ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(library, std::string, "Optional path to a compiled .so library that can load and " "instantiate a NPU model. If a library is provided, then intensors and outtensors " "can be left empty, otherwise they have to describe exactly the inputs and outputs " "of the NPU model. This library is obtained along with the NPU .nb model when " "converting for NPU using the KSNN convert tool. If path is relative, it will be " "prefixed by dataroot.", "", ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(pynet, std::string, "Full path of the python network processor file. " "Name of class defined in the file must match the file name without " "the trailing '.py'", "", ParamCateg)
Abstract class to represent a neural network.
Definition Network.H:208
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(outtransform, std::string, "Specification of a sequence of operations " "(reshape, transpose, split, merge, etc) to be applied to the output " "tensors. Useful to match a particular network's outputs to the " "tensor shapes expected by a particular post-processor. The sequence of " "operations is separated by semicolons, and applied from left to right. " "Operations specified here are applied after any de-quantization.", "", ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(url, std::string, "Optional URL for the network", "", ParamCateg)
virtual void load()=0
Load from disk.
bool ready()
Returns true when network is ready to run (loaded and initialized)
Definition Network.C:165
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(dequant, bool, "Dequantize output tensors to float32 from their native quantized type", true, ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(spunum, size_t, "Hailo8 device number to use to run this model, typically 0 unless " "several Hailo8 accelerators are connected to the system", 0, ParamCateg)
std::vector< cv::Mat > process(std::vector< cv::Mat > const &blobs, std::vector< std::string > &info)
Process input blobs and obtain output blobs.
Definition Network.C:244
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(config, std::string, "Path to a text file that contains network configuration. " "Can have extension .prototxt (Caffe), .pbtxt (TensorFlow), or .cfg (Darknet). " "If path is relative, it will be prefixed by dataroot.", "", ParamCateg)
void onParamChange(network::outtransform const &param, std::string const &val) override
Definition Network.C:40
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(intensors, std::string, "Specification of input tensors", "", ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(extraintensors, std::string, "Specification of extra fixed input tensors that will be " "added after the regular intensors. Format is: " "<type>:<shape>:val1 val2 ... valN, <type>:<shape>:val1 ... valN. The values " "are usually listed in the parameter when the tensor is small. Otherwise, they " "should be listed as 'external' and set by calling jevois::Network::setExtraInput(). " "For example, for URetinex-Net which takes a single float value as second input: " "32F:1x1x1:3.0", "", ParamCateg)
void setExtraInput(size_t num, cv::Mat const &in)
Set an extra input tensor, or remove it if given Mat is empty.
Definition Network.C:201
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(target, Target, "OpenCV compute target to use. Changes will take effect " "next time you load a different model.", Target::CPU, Target_Values, ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(model, std::string, "Path to a binary file of model contains trained weights. " "Can have extension .caffemodel (Caffe), .pb (TensorFlow), .t7 or .net (Torch), " ".tflite (TensorFlow Lite), or .weights (Darknet). If path is relative, it will be " "prefixed by dataroot.", "", ParamCateg)
void waitBeforeDestroy()
If network is currently loading, wait until that is done before destroying.
Definition Network.C:152
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(backend, Backend, "OpenCV compute backend to use. Default will use the inference " "engine if available, otherwise OpenCV (note that inference engine only works on Intel " "processors or MyriadX hardware, thus you should normally select OpenCV when running " "on JeVois-Pro Platform, unless you want to use an optional MyriadX accelerator). " "Changes will take effect next time you load a model.", JEVOIS_BACKEND_DEFAULT, Backend_Values, ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(outtensors, std::string, "Specification of output tensors", "", ParamCateg)
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(tpunum, size_t, "Coral EdgeTPU number to use to run this model, typically 0, or can be " "1 when using a dual-TPU add-on board, or more when using additional TPUs connected " "to USB ports", 0, ParamCateg)
virtual std::vector< vsi_nn_tensor_attr_t > outputShapes()=0
Get shapes of all output tensors.
virtual std::vector< vsi_nn_tensor_attr_t > inputShapes()=0
Get shapes of all input tensors.
virtual std::vector< cv::Mat > doprocess(std::vector< cv::Mat > const &blobs, std::vector< std::string > &info)=0
Process input blobs and obtain output blobs.
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(comment, std::string, "Optional comment about the network", "", ParamCateg)
virtual ~Network()
Definition Network.C:28
void setExtraInputFromFloat32(size_t num, cv::Mat const &in)
Set an extra input tensor from a given F32 tensor, or remove it if given Mat is empty.
Definition Network.C:211
virtual void freeze(bool doit)
Freeze/unfreeze parameters that users should not change while running.
Definition Network.C:32
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(dataroot, std::string, "Root directory to use when config or model parameters " "are relative paths.", JEVOIS_SHARE_PATH, ParamCateg)
Enum for different sensor models.
Main namespace for all JeVois classes and functions.
Definition Concepts.dox:2
A category to which multiple ParameterDef definitions can belong.