JeVois  1.20
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cjevois::BoundedBuffer< T, WhenFull, WhenEmpty >Thread-safe synchronized producer/consumer queue
 Cjevois::BoundedBuffer< cv::Mat, jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block, jevois::BlockingBehavior::Block >
 Cjevois::BoundedBuffer< jevois::RawImage, BlockingBehavior::Block, BlockingBehavior::Block >
 Cjevois::CameraDeviceAccessory class to hold all the data associated with a V4L2 camera device
 Cjevois::DMPdataDMP data (Digital Motion Processor)
 Cjevois::DynamicLoaderClass to open shared object (.so) files and load functions contained in them
 Cjevois::EditorItemHelper class to represent a GUIeditor file in a pull-down menu
 Cjevois::dnn::yunet::FaceA YuNet face detection
 Cjevois::GPUimageClass to hold a GPUtexture, GPUprogram, and other data associated with rendering an image in OpenGL
 Cjevois::GPUprogramSimple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES program
 Cjevois::GPUshaderSimple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES shader code
 Cjevois::GPUtextureSimple class to hold an OpenGL texture
 Cjevois::GPUtextureDmaBufSimple class to hold an OpenGL texture with in-GPU pixel format conversion and DMABUF acceleration
 Cjevois::GUIhelperPythonWrapper around GUIhelper to be used by Python
 Cjevois::ImGuiImageWrapper for an image that can be rendered into ImGui
 Cjevois::IMUAbstract interface to an ICM20948 inertial measurement unit (IMU)
 Cjevois::IMUdataIMU data
 Cjevois::IMUrawDataRaw IMU data
 Cinput_event_stateHelper struct to key track of key states
 Cjevois::InputFrameException-safe wrapper around a raw camera input frame
 Cjevois::InputFramePythonWrapper around InputFrame to be used by Python
 Cjevois::dnn::yunet::Landmarks_5Face landmarks for YuNet
 Cjevois::Log< Level >Logger class
 Cpbcvt::matFromNDArrayBoostConverterConverter from Python numpy NDarray to cv::Mat
 Cjevois::ObjDetectA trivial struct to store object detection results
 Cjevois::ObjRecoA trivial struct to store object recognition results
 Cjevois::OutputFrameException-safe wrapper around a raw image to be sent over USB
 Cjevois::OutputFramePythonWrapper around OutputFrame to be used by Python
 Cjevois::ParameterBaseBase class for Parameter
 Cjevois::ParameterCategoryA category to which multiple ParameterDef definitions can belong
 Cjevois::ParameterDefBaseBase class for a Parameter definition
 Cjevois::ParameterRegistryA simple registry of all parameters associated with a Component
 Cjevois::ParameterSummaryParameterSummary provides a summary about a parameter
 Cjevois::dnn::PostProcessorDetectYOLOforPythonYOLO post-processor exposed to python
 Cjevois::dnn::PreProcessorForPythonPre-Processor interface exposed to the python side
 Cjevois::ProfilerSimple profiler class
 Cjevois::python::PyParHelperBaseBase helper class to allow creation of Parameter in python
 Cjevois::PythonParameterWrapper for jevois Parameter in python
 CPythonTutorial3.PythonTTutorial3Simple test of programming JeVois modules in Python
 CPythonTutorial1.PythonTutorial1Simple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 CPythonTutorial2.PythonTutorial2Simple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 Cjevois::PythonWrapperHelper class to run python code from C++
 Cjevois::Range< T >A generic range class
 Cjevois::RawImageA raw image as coming from a V4L2 Camera and/or being sent out to a USB Gadget
 Cjevois::Semaphore< BB >A simple semaphore
 Cjevois::Semaphore< WhenEmpty >
 Cjevois::Semaphore< WhenFull >
 Cjevois::Singleton< T >A generic singleton class to enforce a single instance of an object
 Cjevois::Singleton< JpegCompressor >
 Cjevois::StepRange< T >A generic range class with a step
 Cjevois::ThreadPoolA thread pool with CPU affinity
 Cjevois::timed_lock_guardAcquire a lock object on a std::timed_mutex, or LFATAL after 1 second of waiting
 Cjevois::TimerSimple timer class
 Cjevois::TimerOneSimple one-shot timer class
 Cjevois::trace::TraceObjectHelper class for tracing, issues one message on construction, and another on destruction
 Cjevois::ValidValuesSpecBase< T >Base class for specifying a set of valid values for a type
 Cjevois::VideoBufA V4L2 video buffer, to be held in a shared_ptr
 Cjevois::VideoBuffersCollection of buffers for V4L2 video frames (Camera or Gadget) with hooks to the MMAP'd areas
 Cjevois::VideoDisplayBackendBackend for VideoDisplay on JeVois-Pro
 Cjevois::VideoInputBase class for video input, which will get derived into Camera and MovieInput
 Cjevois::VideoOutputBase class for video output. Gadget, MovieOutput, VideoDisplay, and VideoOutputNone derive from it
 Cjevois::WatchdogSimple watchdog class