JeVoisBase  1.23
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit Base Modules
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAprilTag.AprilTagDetect apriltag robotic fiducial markers in Python
 Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, is_preserving, dst_type_is_integer >Helper struct to handle type conversions at compile time
 Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, false, false >
 Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, false, true >
 Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, true, false >
 Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, true, true >
 CFirstVision::detectionHelper struct for a detected object
 Cenv_dimsA simple struct to hold a pair of width/height dimensions
 Cenv_imageBasic image class
 Cenv_motion_channelA composite channel containing a set of direction channels
 Cenv_pyrThis class implements a set of images, often used as a dyadic pyramid
 Cenv_rgb_pixelRGB pixel class
 CFirstPython.FirstPythonSimple example of FIRST Robotics image processing pipeline using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 CGPUprogramSimple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES program
 CGPUshaderSimple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES shader code
 CGPUtextureSimple class to hold an OpenGL texture
 CFirstVision::hsvcueHelper struct for an HSV range triplet, where each range is specified as a mean and sigma:
 CLineKeeps all the ready to use information of a supporting line as it pertains to describing the road
 Ctiny_dnn::network< NetType >
 Ctiny_dnn::network< tiny_dnn::sequential >
 Cjevois::ParameterRegistry [external]
 CPoint2D< T >This is a basic class to encode 2D integer coordinates
 CPoint2D< float >
 CPoint2D< int >
 Cpromote_trait< T1, T2 >Promote from T1 and T2 to a type than can hold T1 * T2
 Cpromote_trait< byte, byte >
 Cpromote_trait< byte, double >
 Cpromote_trait< byte, float >
 Cpromote_trait< byte, int16 >
 Cpromote_trait< byte, int32 >
 Cpromote_trait< byte, long double >
 Cpromote_trait< double, long double >
 Cpromote_trait< float, double >
 Cpromote_trait< float, long double >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, byte >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, double >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, float >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, int16 >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, int32 >
 Cpromote_trait< int16, long double >
 Cpromote_trait< int32, double >
 Cpromote_trait< int32, float >
 Cpromote_trait< int32, long double >
 CpromoteFromTo< T1, T2 >
 CpromoteFromTo< double, byte >
 CpromoteFromTo< double, float >
 CpromoteFromTo< double, int16 >
 CpromoteFromTo< double, int32 >
 CpromoteFromTo< float, byte >
 CpromoteFromTo< float, int16 >
 CpromoteFromTo< float, int32 >
 CpromoteFromTo< int16, byte >
 CpromoteFromTo< int32, byte >
 CpromoteFromTo< int32, int16 >
 CpromoteFromTo< long double, byte >
 CpromoteFromTo< long double, double >
 CpromoteFromTo< long double, float >
 CpromoteFromTo< long double, int16 >
 CpromoteFromTo< long double, int32 >
 CpromoteFromTo< T, T >
 CPyClassificationDNN.PyClassificationDNNObject recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
 CPyCoralClassify.PyCoralClassifyObject recognition using Coral Edge TPU
 CPyCoralDetect.PyCoralDetectObject detection using Coral Edge TPU
 CPyCoralSegment.PyCoralSegmentSemantic segmentation using Coral Edge TPU
 CPyDetectionDNN.PyDetectionDNNObject detection and recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
 CPyDMTX.PyDMTXDecoding of DataMatrix (DMTX) 2D barcodes
 CPyEmotion.PyEmotionHuman facial emotion recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
 CPyFaceMesh.PyFaceMeshFace mesh detection using MediaPipe
 CPyHandDetector.PyHandDetectorHand detection using MediaPipe
 CPyLicensePlate.PyLicensePlateDetect license plates on NPU using YuNet TIM-VX
 CPyLLM.PyLLMInteract with a large-language model (LLM) or vision-language model (VLM) in a chat box
 CPyNetKSNN.PyNetKSNNSimple DNN network running on NPU and invoked from the Khadas KSNN library in python
 CPyNetOpenCV.PyNetOpenCVSimple DNN network invoked from OpenCV in python
 CPyNetORT.PyNetORTSimple DNN network invoked from ONNX-Runtime in python
 CPyNetURetinex.PyNetURetinexSimple DNN network invoked from ONNX-Runtime in python for URetinex-Net
 CPyObjectron.PyObjectron3D object detection using MediaPipe
 CPyPoseDetector.PyPoseDetectorHuman body pose detection using MediaPipe
 CPyPostClassify.PyPostClassifySimple classification DNN post-processor written in python
 CPyPostDAMOyolo.PyPostDAMOyoloPython DNN post-processor for DAMO YOLO
 CPyPostDepth.PyPostDepthPython DNN post-processor for depth map
 CPyPostStub.PyPostStubStub DNN post-processor written in python
 CPyPostURetinex.PyPostURetinexPython DNN post-processor for filtered color image
 CPyPostYolo.PyPostYoloSimple YOLO DNN post-processor written in python
 CPyPostYOLOv8seg.PyPostYOLOv8segPython DNN post-processor for YOLOv8-Seg
 CPyPreBlob.PyPreBlobSimple DNN pre-processor written in python
 CPySceneText.PySceneTextDetect and decode English or Chinese text on NPU using TIM-VX
 CPySelfie.PySelfieSelfie segmentation using MediaPipe
 CPythonObject6D.PythonObject6DSimple example of object detection using ORB keypoints followed by 6D pose estimation in Python
 CPythonOpenCV.PythonOpenCVSimple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 CPythonParallel.PythonParallelSimple example of parallel image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 CPythonSandbox.PythonSandboxSimple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois
 CPythonTest.PythonTestSimple test of programming JeVois modules in Python
 CRoadModelStore information about the road
 Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, need_rounding >Helper struct to handle rounding between different types
 Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, false >
 Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, true >
 CSegmentSegment is defined by the two end-points
 CObjectMatcher::TrainDataTraining data structure for ObjectMatcher
 Ctype_if< T, B >Makes a type a typedef for T only if B is true
 Ctype_if< T, true >
 Ctype_with_N_bits< T, N >A compile-time check that T has N bits
 Ctype_with_N_bits< unsignedchar, 8 >
 CVanishingPointKeeps all the supporting information about a specific vanishing point