C_ARMarkerSquare | |
►Cutils.dataloaders.base_dataloader._BaseImageLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.base.BaseImageLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.classification.ClassificationImageLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.recognition.RecognitionImageLoader | |
►Cutils.dataloaders.base_dataloader._BaseVideoLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.base.BaseVideoLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.tracking.TrackingVideoLoader | |
Cutils.dataloaders.base_dataloader._VideoStream | |
CAprilTag.AprilTag | Detect apriltag robotic fiducial markers in Python |
CARPose | |
CARtoolkit::arresults | |
CARVec3 | |
►Cutils.metrics.base_metric.BaseMetric | |
Cutils.metrics.base.Base | |
Cutils.metrics.detection.Detection | |
Cutils.metrics.recognition.Recognition | |
Cutils.metrics.tracking.Tracking | |
Cbenchmark.Benchmark | |
Ctransform.CenterCrop | |
Ctransform.ColorConvert | |
Ctransform.Compose | |
Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, is_preserving, dst_type_is_integer > | Helper struct to handle type conversions at compile time |
Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, false, false > | |
Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, false, true > | |
Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, true, false > | |
Cconvert_helper< dst_type, src_type, true, true > | |
Ccrnn.CRNN | |
Cdasiamrpn.DaSiamRPN | |
Cquantize-inc.Dataset | |
Cdb.DB | |
CFirstVision::detection | Helper struct for a detected object |
Cdownload_data.Downloader | |
Cenv_dims | A simple struct to hold a pair of width/height dimensions |
Cenv_image | Basic image class |
Cenv_math | |
Cenv_motion_channel | A composite channel containing a set of direction channels |
Cenv_params | |
Cenv_pyr | This class implements a set of images, often used as a dyadic pyramid |
Cenv_rgb_pixel | RGB pixel class |
►Ctflite::ErrorReporter | |
CTensorFlow::JeVoisReporter | |
CFirstPython.FirstPython | Simple example of FIRST Robotics image processing pipeline using OpenCV in Python on JeVois |
CGPUprogram | Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES program |
CGPUshader | Simple class to load and compile some OpenGL-ES shader code |
CGPUtexture | Simple class to hold an OpenGL texture |
CFirstVision::hsvcue | Helper struct for an HSV range triplet, where each range is specified as a mean and sigma: |
►CJeVoisProBenchmarks | |
CDNN | Detect and recognize multiple objects in scenes using OpenCV, NPU, TPU, or VPU Deep Neural Nets |
CLine | Keeps all the ready to use information of a supporting line as it pertains to describing the road |
Clpd_yunet.LPD_YuNet | |
Cmobilenet_v1.MobileNetV1 | |
Cmobilenet_v2.MobileNetV2 | |
►Ctorch.nn.Module | |
Cyolo-jevois-export.ModelExporter | |
Cmp_palmdet.MPPalmDet | |
Ctiny_dnn::network< NetType > | |
Ctiny_dnn::network< tiny_dnn::sequential > | |
Ctransform.Normalize | |
►Ccv::ParallelLoopBody | |
CFirstVision::SinglePoseEstimationParallel | ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the single markers pose estimation |
►Cjevois::Parameter | |
CARtoolkit | Augmented reality markers using ARtoolkit |
CArUco | Simple wrapper class over the opencv_contrib ArUco augmented reality markers |
CArUcoBlob | Combined ArUco marker + multiple color-based object detection |
CBilateralFilter | A bilateral filter |
CBlobDetector | Simple color-based object/blob detection/tracking |
CBlurFilter | A blur filter |
CBufferedVideoReader | Simple class to read video frames from a movie file, decode them, and buffer them for smooth playback |
CCalibrateCamera | Helper module to calibrate a given sensor+lens combo, which allows ArUco and other modules to do 3D pose estimation |
CColorFiltering | Image filtering using OpenCV |
CConvert | Simple module to convert between any supported camera grab formats and USB output formats |
CDarknet | Identify an object using Darknet deep neural network |
CDarknetSaliency | Detect salient objects and identify them using Darknet deep neural network |
CDarknetYOLO | Detect multiple objects in scenes using the Darknet YOLO deep neural network |
CDemoGPU | Simple image filtering demo using OpenGL-ES shaders on the Mali-400MP2 GPU |
CDemoIMU | Plot raw IMU readings on top of video |
CDemoNeon | Simple demo of ARM Neon (SIMD) extensions, comparing a box filter (blur) between CPU and Neon |
CDenseSift | Simple demo of dense SIFT feature descriptors extraction |
CDetectionDNN | Detect and recognize multiple objects in scenes using OpenCV Deep Neural Nets (DNN) |
CEdgeDetection | Simple module to detect edges using the Canny algorithm from OpenCV |
CEdgeDetectionX4 | Simple module to detect edges, running 4 filters in parallel with 4 different settings |
CEyeTracker | Eye-tracker class used to detect gaze direction from close-up video of one's eye |
CFaceDetector | Face detection using OpenCV |
CFastOpticalFlow | Fast optical flow computation using dense inverse search |
CFirstVision | Simple color-based detection of a U-shaped object for FIRST Robotics |
CKalman1D | Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter |
CKalman2D | Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter |
CKalman4D | Simple component to track a moving 2D box (position and size) over time using a Kalman filter |
CLaplacianFilter | A laplacian filter |
CMedianFilter | A median filter |
CMorphologyFilter | A morphology filter |
CMultiDNN | Run multiple neural networks in parallel with a tiled display |
CMultiDNN2 | Run multiple neural networks in parallel with an overlapping display |
CObjectDetect | Simple object detection using keypoint matching |
CObjectMatcher | Object matching using OpenCV keypoint detection and matching |
CQRcode | QRcode and Barcode detection using ZBar |
CRoadFinder | Navigation by finding road |
CRoadNavigation | Road finder demo |
CSaliency | Simple wrapper class around Rob Peter's C-optimized, fixed-point-math visual saliency code |
CSaliencySURF | Simple salient region detection and identification using keypoint matching |
CSalientRegions | Extract the most salient regions and send them out over USB |
CSaveVideo | Save captured camera frames into a video file |
CSuperPixel | Superpixel image segmentation from OpenCV |
CSurprise | Compute Itti & Baldi surprise over video frames |
CSurpriseRecorder | Surprise-based recording of events |
CTensorFlow | Identify an object using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CTensorFlowEasy | Identify objects using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CTensorFlowSaliency | Detect salient objects and identify them using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CYolo | Detect multiple objects in scenes using the Darknet YOLO deep neural network |
►Cjevois::ParameterRegistry [external] | |
►Cjevois::Component [external] | |
CARtoolkit | Augmented reality markers using ARtoolkit |
CArUco | Simple wrapper class over the opencv_contrib ArUco augmented reality markers |
CBlobDetector | Simple color-based object/blob detection/tracking |
CBufferedVideoReader | Simple class to read video frames from a movie file, decode them, and buffer them for smooth playback |
CDarknet | Identify an object using Darknet deep neural network |
CEyeTracker | Eye-tracker class used to detect gaze direction from close-up video of one's eye |
CFaceDetector | Face detection using OpenCV |
CFastOpticalFlow | Fast optical flow computation using dense inverse search |
►CFilter | Base class for an image filter |
CBilateralFilter | A bilateral filter |
CBlurFilter | A blur filter |
CLaplacianFilter | A laplacian filter |
CMedianFilter | A median filter |
CMorphologyFilter | A morphology filter |
CFilterGPU | Simple image filtering using OpenGL-ES on the GPU |
CKalman1D | Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter |
CKalman2D | Simple component to track a moving 2D point over time using a Kalman filter |
CKalman4D | Simple component to track a moving 2D box (position and size) over time using a Kalman filter |
CObjectMatcher | Object matching using OpenCV keypoint detection and matching |
►CObjectRecognitionBase | Abstract base class for an object recognition component |
►CObjectRecognition< tiny_dnn::sequential > | |
CObjectRecognitionCIFAR | Object recognition CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset |
CObjectRecognitionILAB | Object recognition CNN for ILAB-10 dataset |
CObjectRecognitionMNIST | Object recognition CNN for MNIST handwritten digits |
CObjectRecognition< NetType > | Wrapper around a neural network implemented by with the tiny-dnn framework by Taiga Nomi |
CQRcode | QRcode and Barcode detection using ZBar |
CRoadFinder | Navigation by finding road |
CSaliency | Simple wrapper class around Rob Peter's C-optimized, fixed-point-math visual saliency code |
CSuperPixel | Superpixel image segmentation from OpenCV |
CSurprise | Compute Itti & Baldi surprise over video frames |
CTensorFlow | Identify an object using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CYolo | Detect multiple objects in scenes using the Darknet YOLO deep neural network |
►Cjevois::Module [external] | |
CBurnTest | This is a burn test: run the quad-core saliency demo while also loading up CPU, GPU and NEON in the background |
CCalibrateCamera | Helper module to calibrate a given sensor+lens combo, which allows ArUco and other modules to do 3D pose estimation |
CColorFiltering | Image filtering using OpenCV |
CConvert | Simple module to convert between any supported camera grab formats and USB output formats |
CDemoBackgroundSubtract | Background subtraction to detect moving objects |
CDemoDMP | Plot results of processing IMU data with the on-chip Digital Motion Processor (DMP) |
CDemoEyeTracker | Pupil detection and eye-tracker using the openEyes toolkit |
CDemoGPU | Simple image filtering demo using OpenGL-ES shaders on the Mali-400MP2 GPU |
CDemoIMU | Plot raw IMU readings on top of video |
CDemoNeon | Simple demo of ARM Neon (SIMD) extensions, comparing a box filter (blur) between CPU and Neon |
CDenseSift | Simple demo of dense SIFT feature descriptors extraction |
CDiceCounter | Counting dice pips |
CEdgeDetection | Simple module to detect edges using the Canny algorithm from OpenCV |
CEdgeDetectionX4 | Simple module to detect edges, running 4 filters in parallel with 4 different settings |
COpticalFlow | Fast optical flow computation using OF_DIS |
CPassThrough | Simple module that just passes the captured camera frames through to USB host |
CSaliencySURF | Simple salient region detection and identification using keypoint matching |
CSalientRegions | Extract the most salient regions and send them out over USB |
CSaveVideo | Save captured camera frames into a video file |
CSuperPixelSeg | Segment an image using super-pixels |
CSurpriseRecorder | Surprise-based recording of events |
►Cjevois::StdModule [external] | |
CArUcoBlob | Combined ArUco marker + multiple color-based object detection |
CCustomDNN | Example of modified DNN module with custom post-processing |
CDNN | Detect and recognize multiple objects in scenes using OpenCV, NPU, TPU, or VPU Deep Neural Nets |
CDarknetSaliency | Detect salient objects and identify them using Darknet deep neural network |
CDarknetSingle | Identify objects using Darknet deep neural network |
CDarknetYOLO | Detect multiple objects in scenes using the Darknet YOLO deep neural network |
CDemoARtoolkit | Augmented reality markers using ARtoolkit |
CDemoArUco | Simple demo of ArUco and AprilTag augmented reality markers detection and decoding |
CDemoCPUGPU | Live saliency computation and image filtering using 4-core CPU and OpenGL-ES 2.0 shaders on the Mali-400MP2 GPU |
CDemoQRcode | Simple demo of QR-code and barcode detection and decoding using the ZBar library |
CDemoSalGistFaceObj | Simple demo that combines saliency, gist, face detection, and object recognition |
CDemoSaliency | Simple demo of the visual saliency algorithm of Itti et al., IEEE PAMI, 1998 |
CDetectionDNN | Detect and recognize multiple objects in scenes using OpenCV Deep Neural Nets (DNN) |
CFirstVision | Simple color-based detection of a U-shaped object for FIRST Robotics |
CJeVoisIntro | Simple introduction to JeVois and demo that combines saliency, gist, face detection, and object recognition |
CMarkersCombo | Simple demo of QRcode + ARtoolkit + ArUco markers detection and decoding |
CMultiDNN | Run multiple neural networks in parallel with a tiled display |
CMultiDNN2 | Run multiple neural networks in parallel with an overlapping display |
CObjectDetect | Simple object detection using keypoint matching |
CObjectTracker | Simple color-based object detection/tracking |
CRoadNavigation | Road finder demo |
CSaliencyGist | Simple saliency map and gist computation module |
CTensorFlowEasy | Identify objects using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CTensorFlowSaliency | Detect salient objects and identify them using TensorFlow deep neural network |
CTensorFlowSingle | Identify objects using TensorFlow deep neural network |
►Cjevois::dnn::Pipeline [external] | |
CMyPipeline | |
►Cjevois::dnn::PostProcessor [external] | |
►Cjevois::dnn::PostProcessorDetect [external] | |
CMyPostProc | |
CPoint2D< T > | This is a basic class to encode 2D integer coordinates |
CPoint2D< float > | |
CPoint2D< int > | |
Cpphumanseg.PPHumanSeg | |
Cppresnet.PPResNet | |
Cpromote_trait< T1, T2 > | Promote from T1 and T2 to a type than can hold T1 * T2 |
Cpromote_trait< byte, byte > | |
Cpromote_trait< byte, double > | |
Cpromote_trait< byte, float > | |
Cpromote_trait< byte, int16 > | |
Cpromote_trait< byte, int32 > | |
Cpromote_trait< byte, long double > | |
Cpromote_trait< double, long double > | |
Cpromote_trait< float, double > | |
Cpromote_trait< float, long double > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, byte > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, double > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, float > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, int16 > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, int32 > | |
Cpromote_trait< int16, long double > | |
Cpromote_trait< int32, double > | |
Cpromote_trait< int32, float > | |
Cpromote_trait< int32, long double > | |
CpromoteFromTo< T1, T2 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< double, byte > | |
CpromoteFromTo< double, float > | |
CpromoteFromTo< double, int16 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< double, int32 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< float, byte > | |
CpromoteFromTo< float, int16 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< float, int32 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< int16, byte > | |
CpromoteFromTo< int32, byte > | |
CpromoteFromTo< int32, int16 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< long double, byte > | |
CpromoteFromTo< long double, double > | |
CpromoteFromTo< long double, float > | |
CpromoteFromTo< long double, int16 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< long double, int32 > | |
CpromoteFromTo< T, T > | |
CPyClassificationDNN.PyClassificationDNN | Object recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN) |
CPyCoralClassify.PyCoralClassify | Object recognition using Coral Edge TPU |
CPyCoralDetect.PyCoralDetect | Object detection using Coral Edge TPU |
CPyCoralSegment.PyCoralSegment | Semantic segmentation using Coral Edge TPU |
CPyDetectionDNN.PyDetectionDNN | Object detection and recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN) |
CPyDMTX.PyDMTX | Decoding of DataMatrix (DMTX) 2D barcodes |
CPyEmotion.PyEmotion | Human facial emotion recognition using OpenCV Deep Neural Networks (DNN) |
CPyFaceMesh.PyFaceMesh | Face mesh detection using MediaPipe |
CPyHandDetector.PyHandDetector | Hand detection using MediaPipe |
CPyLicensePlate.PyLicensePlate | Detect license plates on NPU using YuNet TIM-VX |
CPyLLM.PyLLM | Interact with a large-language model (LLM) or vision-language model (VLM) in a chat box |
CPyNetKSNN.PyNetKSNN | Simple DNN network running on NPU and invoked from the Khadas KSNN library in python |
CPyNetOpenCV.PyNetOpenCV | Simple DNN network invoked from OpenCV in python |
CPyNetORT.PyNetORT | Simple DNN network invoked from ONNX-Runtime in python |
CPyNetURetinex.PyNetURetinex | Simple DNN network invoked from ONNX-Runtime in python for URetinex-Net |
CPyObjectron.PyObjectron | 3D object detection using MediaPipe |
CPyPoseDetector.PyPoseDetector | Human body pose detection using MediaPipe |
CPyPostClassify.PyPostClassify | Simple classification DNN post-processor written in python |
CPyPostDAMOyolo.PyPostDAMOyolo | Python DNN post-processor for DAMO YOLO |
CPyPostDepth.PyPostDepth | Python DNN post-processor for depth map |
CPyPostStub.PyPostStub | Stub DNN post-processor written in python |
CPyPostURetinex.PyPostURetinex | Python DNN post-processor for filtered color image |
CPyPostYolo.PyPostYolo | Simple YOLO DNN post-processor written in python |
CPyPostYOLOv8seg.PyPostYOLOv8seg | Python DNN post-processor for YOLOv8-Seg |
CPyPreBlob.PyPreBlob | Simple DNN pre-processor written in python |
CPySceneText.PySceneText | Detect and decode English or Chinese text on NPU using TIM-VX |
CPySelfie.PySelfie | Selfie segmentation using MediaPipe |
CPythonObject6D.PythonObject6D | Simple example of object detection using ORB keypoints followed by 6D pose estimation in Python |
CPythonOpenCV.PythonOpenCV | Simple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois |
CPythonParallel.PythonParallel | Simple example of parallel image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois |
CPythonSandbox.PythonSandbox | Simple example of image processing using OpenCV in Python on JeVois |
CPythonTest.PythonTest | Simple test of programming JeVois modules in Python |
Cquantize-inc.Quantize | |
Cquantize-ort.Quantize | |
Cmodels.Registery | |
Cutils.factory.Registery | |
Ctransform.Resize | |
CRoadModel | Store information about the road |
Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, need_rounding > | Helper struct to handle rounding between different types |
Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, false > | |
Cround_helper< dst_type, src_type, true > | |
CScriptItem | |
CSegment | Segment is defined by the two end-points |
Csface.SFace | |
Cutils.timer.Timer | |
CObjectMatcher::TrainData | Training data structure for ObjectMatcher |
Ctype_if< T, B > | Makes a type a typedef for T only if B is true |
Ctype_if< T, true > | |
Ctype_with_N_bits< T, N > | A compile-time check that T has N bits |
Ctype_with_N_bits< unsignedchar, 8 > | |
CVanishingPoint | Keeps all the supporting information about a specific vanishing point |
CSaliency::visitor_data | |
Cwechatqrcode.WeChatQRCode | |
Cyoutureid.YoutuReID | |
Cyunet.YuNet | |
►CCalibrationDataReader | |
Cquantize-ort.DataReader | |